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The Great Escape Oz

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The Great Escape Oz

The Facts

o Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition. It is the most commonly inherited disease affecting the developed world, with 1 in ever 2,500 children affected.
o 1 in 25 people with Caucasian ancestry carry a defective CF gene (often without knowing it).
o There is a roughly 25% chance that a baby will be born with CF if both parents are carriers of the CF gene.
o CF is a multi-organ disease that affects the lungs, gut, liver, pancreas and reproductive tissues.
o At present, about half of those with CF will die by their late 30’s from lung disease.
o The major contributor to worsening health and early death is lung disease - which is the cause of death in over 90% of CF patients.
o CF results in ongoing loss of lung function due to repeated airway infections and lung tissue damage.
o Management requires intensive chest physiotherapy for up to two hours per day to break up mucus in the lungs and assist breathing.
o Up to 40 enzyme tablets are taken daily with food to aid with digestion.
o Current treatments are very short-lived and can only slow the inexorable destruction of the lung.
o Lung infections in CF patients continue to be extremely difficult to treat, even with the strongest antibiotics and most innovative therapies.
o Complications related to CF can lead to the destruction of malfunctioning of other organs, while the drugs used to treat CF can have debilitating side effects.
o NO CURE is available.