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The Great Escape Oz

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The Great Escape Oz

Our Mission

The mission of The Great Escape Oz is to see that every person with CF, no matter what age or sex, is entitled to the very best CF care regardless of whether they live within walking distance from a major CF clinic or in the most remote parts of Australia.

Funds raised by the Great Escape Oz are donated to the Cure4 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Cure4 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Established in 2007, the Cure4 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Cure4CF) is a registered not-for-profit charity with a vision and primary goal of finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.
Cure4CF exclusively funds research into therapies and treatments that will either cure CF or significantly extend the life expectancy of people living with CF.
Cure4CF is part of the global efforts that will one day develop the cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

For more information, visit CURE4CF yourself.